Maternity Hospitals Foundation
Our Foundation was founded in 2000 as the Pelgulinna Maternity Hospital Foundation.
Among the founders were Dr. Maike Parve, head doctor of the Pelgulinna Maternity Hospital, entrepreneurs Sirje Endre, Liis Klaar, and others. The patrons have been Mrs. Ingrid Rüütel (until 2009), Laine Randjärv (2009-2015), Aleksander Tammert (2015-2017).
In 2015, the process started, where it was decided to start supporting other women’s clinics in addition to the Pelgulinna Maternity Hospital, and from 2021 the name of the private initiative foundation has been Maternity Hospitals Foundation.
During the 23 years of operation, with the help of good people, about two million euros have been collected, with which essential equipment and devices have been purchased, family wards have been renovated, the birth of the Family Center and intensive care family wards have been supported, and hospital staff has been trained.

Mrs. Sirje Karis
The patron of our Foundation
from December 2022

Madis Trei
Council Chairman

Laine Randjärv
Foundation CEO
The fund has a council consisting of 6 members.
We Support

Hiiumaa Haigla sünnitusosakond

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Sünnitusmaja

Ida-Viru Keskhaigla sünnitusosakond

Järvamaa Haigla sünnitusosakond

Kuressaare Haigla sünnitusosakond

Lõuna-Eesti Haigla sünnitusosakond

Narva haigla sünnitusosakond

Pelgulinna Sünnitusmaja

Pärnu Haigla sünnitusosakond

Rakvere Haigla sünnitusosakond

Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi naistekliiniku sünnitusosakond

Viljandi Haigla sünnitusosakond
Today we support 12 maternity houses, departments, and clinics across Estonia: 2 of them in Tallinn (Pelgulinna and Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla), and others in Tartu, Narva, Ida-Virumaa, South Estonia, Viljandi, Pärnu, Kuressaare, Hiiumaa, Rakvere, and Järva County.
In 2021, we supported maternity wards with 101,000 euros, and in 2022 with 90,000 euros to purchase the necessary medical equipment and organize training. The needs of maternity hospitals have been mapped, and the amount needed for the purchase of equipment for all would be 783,000 euros as of the moment.
Low birth rate is a big concern in Estonia. For example, in 2022 we had 2,000 fewer children than usual (11,900 instead of the usual approx. 14,000).
We want to ensure the safety of babies and mothers and the reassurance that everything is fine with their health. We want to prevent and successfully solve critical situations in the birthing process. The needs of maternity hospitals have been mapped, and if you calculate how much funds would be needed immediately, this amount is approx. 783,000 eur. There is a need for resuscitation devices, fetal monitoring devices, couch belts, delivery beds, operating tables.
Art Helps to Start a Life
An important campaign that helps us collect donations.
Many Estonian artists, illustrators, and photographers have put their backs together and donated their works to support the safe birth of babies with their creations. All sales proceeds go to the Maternity Hospitals Foundation.
One of the goals of 2023 is to inform the public about the Foundation’s activities. In cooperation with Confido, we are launching the “Children are not born without men” campaign to emphasize men’s health and the importance of fathers in the birth of a child.
The messengers are well-known Estonian musicians Ivo and Robert Linna and sportsmen Tiit and Tanel Sokk.
Rabbit of Love
This year – at the beginning of the year of the rabbit – we also got ourselves a mascot, the Rabbit of Love – the creator of which is the artist Gerda Märtens.
With the help of this cute character, we hope to stand out and reach the hearts of many people who would help start life.